Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Übersicht der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen des Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Hessen. Im Bereich News stehen zusätzlich Zusammenfassungen vieler Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung. Die Schlagwort-Wolke bietet die Möglichkeit in den News-Beiträgen gezielt nach Themen zu suchen.
- Betz-Koch S, Oehlmann J, Oetken M (2025) Extremely low repeated pyrethroid pulses increase harmful effects on caddisfly larvae (Chaetopteryx villosa) and influence species interactions. Aquatic Toxicology 279, 107212.
- Soose LJ, Krauss M, Landripet M, Laier M, Brack W, Hollert H, Klimpel S, Oehlmann J, Jourdan J (2025) Acanthocephalans as pollutant sinks? Higher pollutant accumulation in parasites may relieve their crustacean host. Sci. Total Environ. 958, 177998.
- Betz-Koch S, Grittner L, Krauss M, Listmann S, Oehlmann J, Oetken M (2024): The impact of repeated pyrethroid pulses on aquatic communities. Sci. Total Environ. 955, 177177.
- Chifflard P, Nather T, Weber CJ (2024): Transport of (Micro)plastic Within a River Cross-Section—Spatio-Temporal Variations and Loads. Microplastics 3, 755–770.
- Heß S, Hof D, Oetken M, Sundermann A (2024): Macroinvertebrate communities respond strongly but non-specifically to a toxicity gradient derived by effect-based methods. Environ. Pollut. 356, 124330.
- Hörchner S, Moulinec A, Sundermann A, Oehlmann J, Oetken M (2024): Under pressure: Assessment of chemical stress on restored river sections using effect-based methods. Restor. Ecol. 32, e14206.
- Hof D, Bing T, Heß S, Mayer J, Oehlmann J, Oetken M (2024): Temporal and spatial variations in the effect‑based ecotoxicological assessment of streams. Environ. Sci. Europe 36, 167.
- Jourdan J, El Toum Abdel Fadil S, Oehlmann J, Hupało K (2024): Rapid development of increased neonicotinoid tolerance in non-target freshwater amphipods. Environ. Int. 183, 108368.
- Kabus J, Hartmann V, Cocchiararo B, Dombrowski A, Enns D, Karaouzas I, Lipkowski K, Pelikan L, Shumka S, Soose L, Baker NJ, Jourdan J (2024): Cryptic species complex shows population-dependent, rather than lineage-dependent tolerance to a neonicotinoid. Environ. Pollut. 362, 124888.
- Kuschik‑Maczollek N, Glock M, Schmitz M, Hollert H, Krauss M, Piotrowska A, Brack W, Oehlmann J (2024): In vitro effect‑based monitoring of water, sediment and soil from a floodplain restoration site in Central Europe. Environ. Sci. Europe 36, 119.
- Reininger N, Oehlmann J (2024): Regrettable substitution? Comparative study of the effect profile of bisphenol A and eleven analogues in an in vitro test battery. Environ. Sci. Europe 36, 76.
- Soose LJ, Rex T, Oehlmann J, Schiwy A, Krauss M, Brack W, Klimpel S, Hollert H, Jourdan J (2024): One like all? Behavioral response range of native and invasive amphipods to neonicotinoid exposure. Environ. Pollut. 356, 124235.
- Trejos Delgado C, Dombrowski A, Oehlmann J (2024): Assessing the impact of two conventional wastewater treatment plants on small streams with effect-based methods. PeerJ 12, e17326. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17326.
- Enns D, Cunze S, Baker NJ, Oehlmann J, Jourdan J (2023): Flushing away the future: The effects of wastewater treatment plants on aquatic invertebrates. Water Res. 243, 120388.
- Hisar O, Oehlmann J (2023): Individual and combined ecotoxic effects of water-soluble polymers. PeerJ11, e16475. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16475.
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